
Mar 25, 2011

Where I'm at

Quick catch up. Short answer: in an LA suburb at Jim's dad's house. In the past week, I've been profiled as a "level-headed source of information" amid the confusion and as a spokesperson for the reviled subgroup of non-Japanese people who left Tokyo as the Geiger counters started clicking. Since I haven't written about either here yet, I'll point you to those until I can keep my fingers on the keyboard for more than three minutes at a time. I seem to be having trouble writing about what's going on and where I'm at.
Probably because I have no idea.

I am excited to tell you that I've had the privilege of helping out with a book from which all proceeds will go to the Japan Red Cross. I've been editing essays people wrote in the aftermath of the quake from all over Japan and a few from abroad. I will post details on how to get it as soon as they're available.

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