
Aug 13, 2011

The blogging equivalent of jetlag

Well. We've been back from vacation for almost two weeks now. There are still pictures and little non-stories from the trip I'd like to post. (There's still stuff from Turkey from a year ago I'd like to post, but that's another story.) Meantime, there's life going on here. (Nothing too exciting, just, you know, life.) But I feel like going back and forth with stuff from Japan and the trip is like flying too often across time zones. Like when you wake up trying to figure out why all your furniture is in the wrong place. What's that behemoth Korean taco truck doing in Tokyo? What's that Japanese pop group doing at a train station in Seattle? They're wearing sweaters, they're complaining about the muggy heat, she's eating an icecream sandwich bigger than her head and yet sorting trash into burnable and non. And why are there suddenly tall buildings outside? I secretly look forward to that moment of utter confusion between sleeping and waking when I open my eyes in a strange place at an off hour. If you kind of like that too, stick around.


Kaley said...

Such lovely imagery used in this post!

Sandra said...

Thanks, Kaley! Good luck with your Japan adventure!

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