
Feb 16, 2012

A meal fit for a monk


Kakusho Shojin Ryori, a set on Flickr.
A really fancy monk. We went to a 250-year old restaurant in Hida Takayama last weekend. It was an exquisite experience. I was surprised that each course was placed on the floor in front of our cushions on the tatami floor. You could make a lifetime study out of this kind of vegetarian cuisine, which is traditionally temple food. It's cliched (and inadequate) to say everything is prepared with utmost attention to detail. But that will have to do for now. Have a click through the pictures and see what I mean.
The place is called Kakusyo. The way it's written is the equivalent of a ranch being called, say, Circle R. The symbol on the sweet in the first picture is the whole name: the kanji "sho" in a square, or "kaku."


Holly said...


man, i wish you were here to translate a bunch of japanese for me! i'm working on a project that has stuff that seems very important in a language i can't read.

Sandra said...

It was good!
Is there something you want me to take a look at?

Holly said...

that would involve me taking my camera to work, and then coming home and uploading photos. i just seems like so much work... maybe i'll do it anyway.

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