
Mar 14, 2013

White Day Day

Put a marshmallow on it

Mini Plaza, where they'd had the awesome but underappreciated Zoology Chocolates at Valentine's Day, had a White Day sign in the window, but no designated goods inside. At Andersen Bakery, it was just regular pastry and bread. Around the corner, bingo! A line had formed in front of a cake shop, all men. There were big White Day signs hanging over the counter, and the shop was doing a brisk business in baumkuchen and Tokyo Bananas. It was around 8:30 pm, so it's not unlikely the guys had forgotten and realized they had to come up with something at the last minute. (Hey, no judgement — I grabbed the Valentine's monkey on the way home, too.) Can't help but wonder if the coffee stand next door was similarly caught off guard, with their White Day treat: berry muffins with two plain marshmallows squashed on top. There was no line.

BONUS: What the heck is White Day? And best White Day sign ever, bar none. Maybe best sign ever.

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