
Mar 25, 2008

Neither black nor white

I haven't paid much attention to J-pop in the last ten or so years, so when we got stuck behind a slow-moving road block of silent glamboy rockers and their excitable roadies shuffling up Takeshita Dori announcing a concert, all I thought about was getting through the crowd. We finally pushed past the group - to a few groans of the teenagers whose cell phone pictures we cut across - and I was surprised to turn around and see that the band looked kind of... old.

I showed the cameraphone picture to a friend later, and she said it was Glay. Glay! I know Glay! I mean, when I was here before, I answered the question "Do you know Glay?" a thousand times from junior high school kids practicing their English. (The careful, gleeful follow-up question, often asked in unison by three or four 12-year-old girls, was "What do you know Glay?") Their music was unavoidable, in commercials and tv shows and stores. I couldn't fight them, so I joined them, and bought their mini-cd and used the lyrics printed inside to study kanji.

Now we have the internet, so you can play along at home. This is one of the songs I remember.

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