
Mar 27, 2008

Wrap it up... and up, and up

I bought a little present for someone yesterday. The shopgirl put it in a little clear plastic envelope and then sealed it with a sticker, and I thought, how cute, that is a nice enough little wrapping job. Then she slid it into a shimmery draw-string bag and tightened and tied the strings into a little bow just so. Sweet! Then, she put that into a shiny red gift bag. Perfect! Which she then sealed with another cute sticker. Ta da! But no, then she measured out some ribbon off a brand new reel and fashioned it into a bow to put on the bag... and then put a silk rose wrapped in its own clear plastic cone onto the bow. And then another sticker over the whole thing. Then put that into a ribbon-handled glossy shopping bag, and then gave me a purple fake canvas "eco bag" to use for that and the plastic bag of convenience store stuff I was lugging around.
I'm pretty sure the value of the wrapping materials approached the value of the little present.
At each step I kept wanting to say, "that's fine the way it is," but it became mesmerizing to see what she'd stick around or on it next. Does the eco bag as the final step cancel out all the other layers?

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