
Feb 2, 2009

Ignore your own cripple

What makes this poster funny/sad is that we were actually on a train that was full but not crowded one evening when a youngish guy crutched on with a cast that looked comically like the notice that's posted over every "courtesy seat" (just like the one over anime boy's head). Jim was sitting and I was standing and I saw the injured guy first and nodded toward him. Jim, of course, sprang up and motioned toward his seat, which the man hobbled right over to. It seemed strange that no one else stirred. I've stood up a few times for 105-year-old ladies who've tottered onto the train. Each time, I was surprised to be the only one who seemed to be concerned. That's something New Yorkers are good at - I've seen people hop up and get into insisting matches over who wants to stand up more for the pregnant lady. I think the reluctance here must come from fear of embarassing the person that you might otherwise offer a seat to. I can't think of any other reason that otherwise decent people would pretend not to see a frail grandmother or an injured guy. Unless they're busy sharing chocolates.

1 comment:

Trixie Bedlam said...

it's only because you're a foreigner that you don't realize actual casts in Japan are made of sleek, shiny metal. casts like those pictured are merely a shakedown for subway seats.

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