
Feb 19, 2009

Sign me up

Shh. I have a little secret for riding the trains. A "hack," if you will.

When one train comes and its screws are popping out and the steamy windows are cracking and the people burst out like popcorn out of a Jiffy Pop, and then they stop coming out and there is still a solid wall of people jammed right up to the open door, I do something crazy. I step out of the way of the herd that hurls and mashes itself into the train like a physics experiment in supersaturation and I wait, alone, on the platform.

When the next train comes, usually about 45 seconds later, it is, more often than not, all oxygen and open space. Sometimes eerily so. Ahh.

Don't tell anyone.


Holly said...

same here. i don't understand why people get onto crowded trains. like another one is never, ever coming?

kate said...

beautifully written!

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