
Nov 19, 2008

My work here is done

Three months and two hours into an advanced reading course, during a lesson on using the verb "have" with ailments, an adult student wrote on the board

She talked me a measle.

Now,as then, I don't even know what to say.


Trixie Bedlam said...

don't feel bad - she's actually a well-known figure in the abstract poetry scene.

either that, or I'm going to steal her writing and become one myself. a measle. I.

Holly said...

heehee... if i ever visit you (aka the economy raises itself up and pays me better), i need to visit one of these classes.

Joy, The Aubergenious said...

Just out of curiosity, what was he attempting to communicate here? Because I've been mulling on this for a couple days now, and really...I got nothin.

Sandra Barron said...

Holly, you have a warped sense of fun.

Moy, it would only ruin it.

Trixie, measle you with us!

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