
Jan 28, 2010

Grand Canyon Pringles

Pringles went with Grand Canyon French Fries. Random, but better than the truth.

Surely the original flavor name was Highway Rest Stop Burger Chain. You know how those places always smell? Like they just used a mop soaked in fryer grease to clean up a ketchup spill?
These chips nail that. You can almost feel the slippery tiled floor and taste the flimsy wax cup.

What do you think the cowboy at the upper right is saying?


Claytonian said...

"for a limited time only!"

it's hard to box that flavor after all

Adamu said...

They have officially run out of ideas.

Holly said...

your description made me nauseous. congrats : )

Anonymous said...

Please tell me you didn't eat more than one!!! cb

Sandra said...

Claytonian, I knowwww that's what he's saying. I mean, what would it be funny to imagine he's saying if we weren't cursed with the knowledge of the boring truth?

Adamu, there are still quite a few natural wonders left...

Sorry, Holly. Now I've scared off you and Elizabeth!

Anonymous, don't worry. Yuck. However, I put them in the shared snack tray in the hallway at work, and they disappeared awfully quick.

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