
Sep 6, 2010

And the answer is...

And wouldn't you know, it's nobody's business but the Turks.

(Come on, any other answer would have disappointed, right? Right?)

The trip was great. Turkey was hospitable beyond any expectation. Pics and posts to come. Jim has already put up some photos on Facebook (cough-overachiever-cough). So if you're friends with him, check 'em out. Also, he bought a fancy new camera right before the trip. When I compared what he was getting to what I was, suddenly, it seemed almost pointless to take pictures with my trusty point and shoot with the broken screen. (No, I'm not competitive, why?) But I did end up just kind of making suggestions about what would be good to take photos of with that nice camera instead of shooting my own sometimes. (Doesn't that sound charming?)

Highlights included an eating tour of Istanbul, abandoned buildings full of unexpected inhabitants on a Danube Delta island and a hot-air balloon ride over a surreal dawn landscape in Cappadocia.

Check back soon for these adventures and more!

1 comment:

Holly said...

hot air balloon ride!!!!


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