
May 31, 2011

Why Japanese people make the peace sign in photos, or, "Say Veeeeee"

The thing about those two titles for this post is that one is misleading and the other is impossible to search. And it's not SEO trouble I'm worried about, it's my own search ability. I've sort of lost tons of my own posts because I can't remember what I called them and the obscure titles had nothing to do with the content. (That is, lost like something you know is in the living room somewhere is lost.)  
Jake asked me to write a post for his site two months ago* explaining why Japanese people have such an overwhelming tendency to make the peace sign when a camera is pointed at them. I was excited to write it so that I could finally find out for myself. I found quite a few posts and articles in both English and Japanese that, like this one, dangled the promise of an answer. Also like this one, they didn't deliver it. I'm going to go ahead and spoil the ending of my Japan Subculture post: I never did find a definitive answer. I did make up a theory, though. So, why do Japanese people make the peace sign in photographs?

*I put off posting here for a few days and then it kind of fell by the wayside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

During your research did you come across ダイ.ジョウ.V(ブィ〜)- Big thing in the 80s and very uncool, apparently. :)

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