
Jul 2, 2011

Green curtain revolution

Companies have been told to cut power use or face fines and people at home are valiantly reducing their AC to avoid losing power altogether. Is the power situation really as bad as they say? Worse? Does anyone actually know at all? In a bid to provide some free shade and make people feel like they have some control over the totally confusing situation, some local governments have been giving out "green curtain" kits -- a flower pot, netting and a few bitter gourd seeds. My local plant store has a whole "green curtain corner" of viney plants like cucumber, Goya and what I can only guess from the florist's pantomime is some kind of loofah.
I got some Goya and a cucumber plant, hoping to grow a little shade on the balcony. They're climbing, but they're so wispy that they not only aren't shady, they're almost unphotographable when back-lit, which is always.
Instead, here's a building that may have gone a little overboard with the green curtain thing. Wasn't there a Stephen King story about this?

UPDATE 2013/4/2: This building has been torn down. I guess its camouflage wasn't good enough.


Anonymous said...

Looks like our deck where the cucumbers from outer space have taken over!

Trixie Bedlam said...

ohh, I'm gonna send you some snow peas. those little buggers grow inches a day AND you can eat them!

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