
Oct 28, 2008

Now, where was I?

A (Japanese) woman at my office told me that she wouldn't be able to come along on an assignment today because she had an appointment in Hartford. I thought, huh, I didn't know we had any clients in Connecticut. Makes sense, though, just a quick train ride away. She said she'd be back at the end of the day. I thought it was nice that she got to get out to the suburbs for the morning.

I snapped out of it and did a little internet browsing. I read something about the political ice cream at Baskin' Robbins and felt bummed that the closest BR was so far away - all the way down at 14th Street.

This is while I was awake, mind you. (I don't know where my co-worker was actually going.)

1 comment:

Trixie Bedlam said...

...and you may ask yourself, " did I get here?"

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