
May 22, 2009

Welcome. Please decontaminate yourself

Hand sanitizer and an apologetic sign asking all guests to use it in the entrance of a big Japanese company. The receptionists are all wearing masks, but the rank and file are not. Most people on the subway aren't, either. Weekend concerts and company picnics are being canceled. I don't know how useful that is as long as we all keep piling into trains and elevators all week. Probably better to catch it now while it's mild, anyway.
Incidentally, I think the IHT headline - front and center, above the fold - that we are in "full-blown crisis mode" may be jumping the gun. (The online editions don't use "full-blown" in the headline, though it is in the URL. Did cooler heads prevail along the way?) Because then what can they call it when everyone is wearing Tyvek suits to work?

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