Today is the end of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's five-day crackdown on subway gropers. The campaign put uniformed officers on platforms and undercover cops on trains to try to reduce the thousands of incidents of surreptitious groping and photographing - "chikan" - on rush hour trains last year. Cops announced one collar (of a repeat offender) on the first day and nothing since that I can find.
The week started with fanfare - shouting high school girls were on TV waving a banner in a busy station, and the English and Japanese editions of the newspapers all covered the first arrest. It ended quietly, with the attendant at the station near my office taking down this poster after rush hour this morning.
It says "
Chikan is a crime. It will mess up your life."
Well. Quite the motto.
We wouldn't want a molester's life messed up, now, would we?
I bet you could do better.
I will mail this
genuine Tokyo Police Department subway poster to the person anywhere in the world who comes up with the
best alternate anti-groping slogan. Leave your suggestion(s) in the comments. A winner will be chosen in a week - make sure you leave a way for me to contact you. You can even re-imagine the art, if you like. Don't feel locked in by the accusatory female cop. Heck, make your own poster and send me a link, if you're feeling ambitious.
You can keep your prize poster, sell it on e-Bay, give it to a friend for the holidays. It was only on the wall for a week, so it's in pretty good shape, although it does have what the station guy called "a torn corner" and what I prefer to think of as "authenticity."
Note: I actually don't find this funny at all. I get so angry when I think about it that you would probably say, "Sheesh, chill out." Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from kicking someone, you know?