
Feb 22, 2011

Get out the way

I hate to generalize, but these posters have left me no choice. Maybe if I hadn't been dragging an overstuffed wheelie bag from the airport, up and down the steps of the train system the first time I saw them.

I read pictures slowly. Looking at the left panel, the next panel my brain (or was it my aching back?) drew was of the guy helping the woman with her bag. Wrong! It's the woman getting her stuff out of the way.
You do see a lot more people dragging wheeled bags here than elsewhere - they seem to be the (smart) accessory of choice for people on big shopping sprees or... actually, I don't know what everyone is doing with suitcases all the time. I understand the cosplay kids use them to carry their gear around. This picture seems to be a business traveler, though. (Projecting?)

 Here's another Clueless Cathy bringing the works to a halt with her bag. Jerk!
Japan has an image of being polite to a fault, and New York of being hard and heartless. But I've seen a hell of a lot more people helping each other lug bags and baby carriages up the steps in NY than in Tokyo.
How about that for a poster?


Holly said...

no kidding. the very first time i visited NY someone helped me with my bag. i was all aflutter.

cmt said...

i have never once been offered help with a bag or a suitcase, going up/down LONG flights of stairs multiple times in japan (and i am a 5'1" female)

then again, i've never seen a japanese woman get offered help either.

in america (NY and Chicago are where my experiences come from), i've NEVER lifted a bag and looked like i was struggling without someone offering to help nearly immediately...

Sandra said...

It really is the rule, not the exception, for people to help each other out in NY. Haven't spent enough time in other cities to compare. But nice to hear that Chicago's good like that, too.

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