
Feb 26, 2011

When life gives you lemon-scented toilet paper

The smell of lemon means one of two things: a refreshing drink or a toxic cleaning product. And there are places where neither of these things should ever go.  
It happens that I wasn't the one who bought this pack, but I've done the same thing. Recently, and in bulk. In this land where celery is sold by the individual rib and one styrofoam tray of ground beef is just about enough to make two meatballs, I managed to pick up an eight-pack of floral-soaked rolls. Toilet paper is just about the only thing that is actually sold more often in big economy packages than in scanty micropacks. I think the wrapper boasted of 360 meters of smelly paper.
I don't know why I hate scented toilet paper so much. Beyond the cloying smell and the idea of blatant chemicals where I don't want them, that is. I guess that's enough reason. But I understand some people do like it. I mean, I don't understand why they like it, but I hear that they do. So whatever your preference, let this be a warning. Take a second at the store to give a closer look to any cute little drawings of flowers or fruit on your toilet paper, and make sure it passes the sniff test.


Holly said...

totally agree. scented anything "down there" seems wrong! and like it would be irritating.

Anonymous said...

Let it be known that I also dislike sented TP AND that a night-capping tall can was also part of this purchase.

I think these rolls have off-gassed nicely, by the way. -Jim

Amy said...

I love your title. Hilarious. Very cute. Thanks for making me laugh. :)

Joshua McKerrow said...

Elvis Presley would have loved lemon scented toilet paper.

free standing toilet paper holder said...

I love these, so cute. Thanks for sharing these!

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