
Mar 25, 2008

Cone in a box

I think soft serve is especially tasty here. This is how our ice cream got packed up at the MiniStop when we said yes to "To go?" (How else would you have an ice cream cone?)

Yes, this is a ridiculous amount of packaging for an ice cream cone, but the top is edible. And you could probably put an awful lot of engineers on the problem of how to carry soft serve ice cream home in a plastic bag and not come up with anything more elegant. Was it really a problem that needed solving in the first place? That is a whole other, now moot, question.


Trixie Bedlam said...

amazing. at last, an invention for people like me, who cannot just have one soft-serve, but feel self-conscious about double-fisting cones.

Michael said...

That is totally awesome. I love how cute it is. My favorite part is the cake cone and I often hate waiting until the end to get at it. By then it can sometimes be too soggy.

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