
Mar 27, 2008

If this announcement worries you

I was chomping on samples of fried chicken, cheese, and pickles in the endless underground Food Hall at Isetan department store around evening rush hour when a PA announcement emerged from the background whir of ambient noise. It started out with the usual three-note rising chimes and standard welcome: "Thank you so much for coming to the store today." But instead of continuing to "we're now closing, please make your way to the door," the calm female voice said "according to NHK, something earthquake something something. If this announcement worries you, please move to an open area and something crouch. Something something! Thank you."

The announcement didn't seem to worry anyone, so I wondered if I had misheard it.

I came home and started studying. A little listening comprehension is a dangerous thing.


Trixie Bedlam said...

ah, just an earthquake. nothing to something something about.

Alex said...

In Japan, earthquakes only stir up catfish and the gaijin folk. The Japanese are a little apathetic about them. Maybe the announcement was "If you feel whatever"

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