
Jun 1, 2010

Do you know what Japan is doing on the Twitter?

Well, I hope not. Because if you already do, then I've wasted a heck of a lot of time writing this new story for Pulse. Twitter really is kind of exploding in Japan right now, stats-wise and buzz-wise. Every time I meet a new group of Japanese people and ask them what trend I should write about, they say, Tsubuyaki? Which is Japanese for Twitter. (Though the more direct Japanese is tsu-itt-a.)
Companies are starting to realize the potential and are putting together big, interactive, strange, fun campaigns.

Please check it out, maybe leave a comment over there? About something related to Twitter, preferably. But we'll take what we can get.

New Twitter marketing in Japan, on Pulse. (Yes, again. But newer, better, with extra wow.)

1 comment:

Lulu said...

I left a comment on there for you.

Interesting article!

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