
Nov 24, 2009

O, gingko tree redux

They closed off Ichou Namiki Dori to traffic this weekend so people could walk in the street to admire the yellow gingko leaves. People paused for photos even in the middle of the part that wasn't closed off, giving the traffic cops with bullhorns something to do.

There was no real draw I could see other than the trees themselves and roasted sweet potatos. It's sweet that people come out in numbers that require an active police presence to see leaves in the middle of the city.

Official Tokyo Gingko Matsuri page.


Holly said...

that country just likes to keep you guessing.

Unknown said...

In Baltimore, I believe it is a gingko tree that seasonlly drops grape-like fruit, which people step on, producing a foul odor. O I could have my trees wrong...Steve

Sandra said...

Steve! Yes! Those are the ones. They do stink. Unless you dry and cook them, then they're delicious. Darn, I meant to do a post about that when I saw an old woman filling a plastic bag of them out in the rain one day.

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