
Feb 26, 2010

I like iClooly

I found this iClooly iPhone case on the bottom rack of the iPhone accessories at Bic Camera. I've never seen anyone with one, so maybe it came out a while ago and was a dismal flop. Or, maybe it is ultra cutting edge and you saw it here first, whoo hoo!  Either way.

The ring on the back twists out to prop the phone up vertically or horizontally. That is handier than I thought it would be.

The reason I got it, though, is that you can slip a finger through while you're using the phone, completely removing the feeling that it's going to leap out of your hands and shatter.

Does everyone have this fear? I think I got it from watching a friend's phone hit the floor of an open elevator and then bounce, bounce, bounce and slip right down the shaft. Compounded by seeing another friend's phone disappear between a Yamanote train car and the platform. Or maybe that feeling that I might drop my phone came from me dropping my phone.

What about the name? It must come from the twisty ring. A Japanese word for something turning around is "kururi." Replace the r's with l's and squint a little, and it makes sense. Right?


Holly said...

according to the website, iclooly is made in korea. and is not affiliated with apple?

Holly said...

which means the kururi thing probably is a no? i got nothing.

Sandra said...

There you go again with your "research" and "facts."

Yeah, who knows what the name's about, then. And their other stuff isn't kururi at all. Hrmph. And also, it broke. Must update.

Susan said...

Hi Sandra,

I was going to buy the case and now Im hesitant. What other ideas do you have when it comes to better iphone cases. What do you think is missing in design or function.

Sandra said...

Hi, Susan,

I'm looking for something else now, too. Let me know if you find something nice?

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