Look at the amazing color of the dark purple potato. Don't you think you'd remember if you'd ever run across one before? Doesn't it seem like something restaurants would be excited to serve? That's what I thought, anyway. Turns out, they're grown only in Okinawa and it's illegal to export them raw. So they turn up in chips and now drinks, but not much else.
By the way, by "turns out" I mean "someone told me." If you know otherwise, let's hear it.
Looks really delicious and healthy.
Yes, the diabolical sweet potato weevil is the reason for keeping beni imo from being 'exported' from Okinawa. Years ago at Naha airport I picked up a cute sticker of a frowning imo carrying a suitcase and big read print stating:STOP! The exact rules are on the MAFF website (Japanese) http://www.maff.go.jp/pps/j/introduction/domestic/didoukisei/
I've never heard of a purple potato before, looks interesting though, in a slightly diseased sort of way.
Dekooning, I assure you it is delicious. Probably a little too much sugar to be really healthy, but could be worse.
Rob! Diseased?! This looks like pure antioxidants to me. Though someone on Twitter said there was some kind of toxic potato dye scandal in China, so who knows.
And Kevin. Light at last on this! Do I know you? Thanks for the info.
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