
Nov 22, 2009

3-D sushi

Japanese engineers are working to get insanely high-definition 3-D TVs into homes. Meanwhile, this sushi place near Higashi Ginza went with a low tech, but effective, full window lenticular display. Step right, step left - it's like the sushi is following you.

UPDATE: I'm told that the common term for "lenticular" is "those thick photos that sort of seem to move and that go vweet vweet vweet when you run your thumb nails across them." Now do you know what I'm talking about? It's a window papered with that. For everything you ever wanted to know about the world of lenticularity (possibly not an actual word), check out Big 3D.


E Mckenzie said...

Hehe... Here in london a station on TV is having a whole week with programmes in 3D (cool eh). You get your glasses free from Sainsbury's :P

Sandra said...

Is that new shows or old horror movies?

E Mckenzie said...

Mostly new shows, but there was footage of the queens ceremonies changed into 3D.

Unknown said...

Lenticular 3D graphics is the process whereby you add dimension and/or motion to your printed marketing displays. "Lenticular" means "pertaining to lenses," and "lenticules" are the plastic lenses that create the illusion of dimension in depth imaging. Placing special lenses, or "lenticules," over a two dimensional print allows the eye to simultaneously view alternating sections of multiple images.

Bradley from

Sandra said...

Thanks, Bradley. Added a link to your site.

SushiTail said...

That is one clever advertising!

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