
Mar 24, 2010

Please don't eat the cherry blossoms

I bought this bottle of cherry blossom tea in a moment of vending machine weakness. I was still carrying it, almost full, a few hours later when I met up with Miki. "Is it good?" she asked.
"No," I said. "It tastes like peaches. But bad."

I said that the pink sakura steamer I'd had at Starbucks recently hadn't been too good, either. Bland, and the pink sugar on top had turned out to be sour salt.

I said, feeling guilty and outsiderish, that I don't think I like treats with cherry blossoms in them.

"Oh, nobody does," Miki said. "You only eat them once in a while, like sakura mochi. And when you do, you always remember that they don't taste so good."


AdventureRob said...

I think I've tried similar in a Chinatown, some flower flavoured drink, it was vile.

Gaijin Wife said...

The sakura macha kitkat is surprisingly good. I enjoyed the sakura steamer but not sure it came with sakura salt/sugar on top.

Sandra said...

The sakura matcha KitKat does look good. I haven't tried it, though.

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