
Mar 19, 2010

Twiwari: Twitter discounts in Japan

I was looking for a post last night that I'd put up a while back, the one of the naked, despondent bronze sculpture in the lobby of Tokyo Opera City. I used my nifty new sidebar search box to look up every related word I could think of - art, depressing, sad, statue, lobby - and it wouldn't come up in the results.

I learned two lessons. One, that search box seems to bring up entire archive pages instead of specific posts - the post I wanted turned out to be buried at the bottom of one of the pages that came back. Two, obscure post titles are not so good for the searching. I never cared much about that because I was thinking this is more of a stumble-upon thing than a StumbleUpon thing. But since I effectively hid my own content from myself, I am rethinking slightly. Maybe.

Actually I came here to point you toward my new little story on the Japan Times' Pulse blog about Twiwari, Twitter discounts at all kinds of places in Japan. There are boring ones and quirky ones and they're all over the country. Check it out! Maybe even leave a real comment? (Right now, my biggest fan over there has some amazing offers on make money from home.)

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