
Mar 11, 2010

Single white strawberries

I saw these strawberries at Sun Fruits in the basement of Mitsukoshi in Ginza. I was taking our visiting American friend Dee for a whirl around the DepaChika, the department store basement food plaza. I thought she'd like to see some of Japan's infamous that-must-be-a-mistake overpriced fruit. It turned out she hadn't heard of the 200-dollar cantaloupes, and so was all the more surprised by them. 

I had never heard of these white strawberries, called Scent of First Love.  Yeah, for 12 bucks a pop, they should have a whimsical name. They should have a whole back story. Like they used to be regular strawberries but then they were bitten by vampire strawberries... Actually, the back story has  something to do with a scientist; the Yamanashi producer is called Miyoshi Agri Tech. Mmm, agritech.

Tokyo Food Life has some nice pictures of the anemic strawberries at a branch of Sun Fruits in Tokyo Midtown and gives a rundown of the likes and dislikes flavor profiles of a dozen intriguingly named berries.


J said...

We used to have white forest strawberries growing naturally in our garden in France. Bizarrely, they tasted like artificial strawberry flavouring...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe anyone would pay $200 for a cantaloupe OR $12 for a strawberry. I found this earlier, and it talks all about such oddities: white strawberries. Interesting, right!

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