
Apr 9, 2008

Emergency cafe

For the price of a drip coffee at Starbucks, you can get a cup of joe and an English language newspaper at Mini Stop. They have an "eat-in corner" with a sign up asking you not to stay longer than an hour.

You don't get a choice between two different brews or a cushy armchair or Sinatra on infinite loop at the Mini Stop, but you do get a clear view of the color copy machine. Instead of European business men having casual meet and greets with clients and Japanese career women perusing the in-shop copy of Mansfield Park, you get a slow stream of people perching for four minutes to down styrofoam cups of instant noodles. The fluorescent lights are bright enough to do dental work under.
At any rate, on a day when the rain is pouring down sideways, it's a very short walk.

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