
Apr 7, 2008

I'm a Mac, he's a PC

We went to Akihabara looking for laptop for Jim this weekend. We waded through the crowds and psy-ops level noise at three electronics stores to compare prices, only to realize in the end that installing an English language OS on a Japanese PC would paralyze all the peripherals. (Or so we were told - if you know a way around this, tell.) We will remain a Mac household, for now.

Speaking of which... how about some "I'm a Mac" commercials in Japanese? Some of them are nearly word for word re-enactments of the American (and UK) ones, and some have a distinctly Japanese angle, like the one about making New Year's post cards.

Here, PC would like a nickname.

A few more.


Anonymous said...

Apparently the Japanese couldn't find a guy, like John Hodgeman, who resembles Bill Gates.

Z said...

hahah, i love the american pc vs mac series XD

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