
Apr 15, 2008


Mmmm, Doritos. Salty, ranchy, spicy, buffalo blazing, pepper jack nacho cheezy. And sweet and buttery?

Buried at the back of the chip bin at the 100 yen store yesterday, I found Honey Butter and Caramel Doritos Sweets. (They've been out since last August here - did they come out in the states, too? Am I the long-lost forager in the woods who finds a strange, shiny object that turns out to be a cell phone?)

I imagine they'd have to make the word "Doritos" very small to sell them elsewhere, given the time and money Frito-Lay has invested in the western world forging the "savory flavor explosion" association. To see Doritos and suddenly be asked to think "sweet and buttery" is jarring.

Not too jarring to buy a few bags, of course.

They are "easy to eat twist shapes." The chip itself is like a basic twisted Frito. But they have an overwhelming artificial butter smell, and that generic sweet vanilla-maple smell that flavored coffee emits. Gross. So they're crispy, and salty, and buttery, and sweet. Something in them tastes kind of creamy. They leave a sort of margarine coating on your tongue and fingers. And the bag continues to smell even after it's empty and all the crumbs are shaken out.

Verdict: disgusting, and impossible to stop eating.


Michael said...

Yummy! Sounds very tasty...

Z said...

hahah, it wasn't too bad then =)

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