
Apr 24, 2008

Home Whaling Network

A lot of afternoon TV is devoted to shopping shows and infomercials. It's mostly similar to QVC stuff - wrinkle creams, kitchen gizmos, and tacky jewelry. This one caught my eye.

A commercial for cans of stewed whale meat. The motherly announcer uses charts and graphs to show the nutritional benefits of whale meat compared other meats, and she hastens to point out that the white parts in the can are not fat, but tendons. She suggests lots of tasty ways to cook it up, like stir fried with vegetables or over rice. She was especially excited about serving it battered and deep fried: "It takes a long time to cook, but is so delicious that I hope everyone will try it!"
Call now!


Alex said...
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Alex said...

Since whaling is a tradition, I am now inspired to bring back witch ducking.

Trixie Bedlam said...

comes with mini-harpoon, so you can enjoy the fun of cruelly spearing your endangered dinner!!

Joshua McKerrow said...

They use the excuse of "scientific research" to illegally harvest whales. Or murder them, as some say.
I like the whales. It bothers me that their meat is canned and sold on afternoon tv.

Z said...

wow. and i thought it was sold in a more hush-hush setting. never imagined it to be on ads 0_o

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