
Apr 17, 2008

Simply Confusing

Bottled coffee, good.

Simple design, good.

Oil blotting papers, good.

All three together in one white package, not good.

Will drinking the coffee will make me greasy? Does wrapping a PET bottle in another layer of plastic make it simpler? Why is my vending machine coffee brewer dabbling in personal grooming?

I do like "simply" as a package label, though. They just should have kept it a little simpler.

Bonus info! A quick spin on this nifty font look-up tool suggests the typeface is OCR B, one of the first machine-readable (Optical Character Recognition) fonts created in the late 60s.


Joshua McKerrow said...

This implies a whole new level of coffee concerns. I'm sitting here drinking coffee and worrying about my nose grease.

kate said...

cool font site!

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